Irina Carter — One of the most severe respiratory conditions that really have great effect on the health of people regardless of ages and conditions is Asthma. Most of the people who have been suffering from asthma and bronchial distress used to manage this illness by means of an inhaler or a nebulizer. They are highly dependent with the aid of this breathing assistance. However, there are also those asthma patients who are in search for effective alternative treatments to alleviate or heal their condition.
There are various herbal solutions and remedies that can help asthmatic people and those who suffered bronchial distress ease their selves. While some of them suffer in an indicative way, which means their asthma will most likely attack when they come into direct contact with things that could trigger the symptoms to occur (like smoke, mold, dust, animal hair, certain kinds of foods, and so on), there are also those who suffer the distress on a permanent basis.
The following are not really meant to treat or cure asthma and bronchial distress; these however are some alternative herbal solutions in easing the condition. Many people have positive notion about using these solutions that really have showed beneficial effects and success.
Herbal Teas – A number of asthma sufferers as well as those with bronchial misery are drinking herbal tea. Tea helps smoothen bronchial passageways and can also reduce congestion. One of the most popular herbal teas is the Chamomile, which is commonly used in dealing with other sorts of maladies. Another favourite tea is the Green tea; it is also used as herbal solution for asthma because it has the capacity to help in opening bronchial passages. Drinking herbal tea of any kind is very soothing and comfortable according to people who have taken the solution with their respiratory obstruction.
Essential Oils – Eucalyptus oil is one of the essential oils that most people use to revive from their asthma. Using these essential oils as humidifier or as diffuser is said to be effective. According to some, eucalyptus oil can help to ease cough and any other congestion.
Honey – This is another item that is soothing and can easily be taken. People who are not used to drinking pure tea are putting or adding up honey into it to help them soothe respiratory distress. Most people use honey as staple to herbal alternative remedies for asthma.
Garlic – Not known to many, this is another type of herbal remedy which can help in the prevention or lessening the chances of acquiring bronchial distress. Eating a good amount of garlic is said to be effective in keeping away the said distress as it contains anti-viral as well as anti-bacterial chemicals. Naturally, garlic is known to be a superb natural herb.
Steam – This is a very easy and accessible method that usually soothes and is used to lighten the indications of asthma as well as with other respiratory problems.
Oregano Juice – Oregano is a type of natural herb; drinking the juice of oregano leaves one with a soothing sensation that helps alleviate asthma symptoms or bronchial distress.