Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Shreveport Muslim community responds to Lowe’s ad withdrawal for“All American Muslim”

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Editor - Lowe's and several other companies have been accused of pulling ads from the TV show “All American Muslim” after complaints from the Florida Family Association that the TLC show is just propaganda that hides the real Muslim Agenda.  This has created a firestorm in response, a backlash that continues despite Lowe’s claims of being inclusive in its business dealings.  Muslims, however, have raised concerns about what they see as prejudice against their group by Lowes and these other companies.

In Shreveport a major Muslim group directed a letter to the headquarters of Lowe’s to raise objections to the decision to pull out of advertising on the show, “All American Muslim” with the following letter in which they discuss their concerns:
Attn:  CEO and All Lowe’s Store Managers

The Muslim Community in Shreveport and Bossier City is about 4000 plus members strong and

we would collectively like to express our disappointment in Lowe’s decision to pull out its Ads from the TLC Show “All American Muslims” because of the insistence of the Florida Family Association. The American Constitution provides Religious Freedom and when one group retaliates against another group because of its Religion then it becomes a Hate Crime.  It is very sad that the high Caliber Officials of LOWE’s could not detect the hatred, narrow mindedness and bigotry of the Florida Family Assoc.  The American Society is a large melting pot and it has no place for hatred and bigotry.

There are about 10 Million Muslims in the USA and they spend thousands and thousands of

Dollars annually at Lowe’s for buying building materials.  The local Muslims and the Muslims around the USA are very loyal customers of Lowe’s Stores.  Loyalty is a two-way street and now is the time for Lowe’s to show its loyalty to Muslims and it will remove any hurtful feelings.  The Muslim Community of Shreveport/Bossier City is very peace loving and at this time we do not intend to boycott against Lowe’s because are we a part of the solution and not the problem. Making this clear, we the Board of Directors of Islamic Assoc. of Greater Shreveport, Ltd sternly request the upper Management of Lowe’s to be loyal to the Muslims as we are to you.  Put back your Ads on TLC Show “All American Muslims. We are looking forward to your positive response in this matter.


Nael Zaidan, President

Khurshid Khan,Vice President & Muslim Chaplain

Sheikh Khalid Hamid, Imam of Masjid Al-Noor     

In the meantime Florida Family First claims their organization has been hit by “terrorist hackers” according to USA today.  They maintain their website had been hacked and had to be shut down after it was hit by unknown cyber thugs.

Still the discussion about the show is not over, as across the media, including citizen and traditional sites, folks are presenting their opinions on the controversy and expressing their concern over how the withdrawal of advertising from major American companies like Lowe’s gives a poor image regarding religious tolerance.

Some folks have called for a boycott of Lowe’s in response to what people believe shows religious intolerance.

During the hoopla comedian – hip-hop artist Russell Simmons offered to buy all the ads remaining in order to teach Lowe a lesson.  News media observe that “All American Muslim” now has sufficient advertisers to proceed with the show.

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