Sunday, March 28, 2010

Amnesty International decries Iran's persecution of Baha'is

Amnesty International launched a campaign on a Baha'i Holy day which acknowledges the religious persecution of Baha'is and other individuals known as prisoners of conscience.

Seven leaders of Iran's Baha'i community have been identified as referencing this specific campaign. They are on trial on charges that could lead to the death penalty, most of them related to the specific practice of their faith. Nevertheless, Iran declares these people have been spies for Israel and are guilty of "insulting religious sanctities" with "propaganda against the system."

These seven Baha'is include two women, Fariba Kamalabadi and Mahvash Sabet, as well as five men: Jamaloddin Khanjani, Afif Naeimi, Saeid Rezaei, Behrouz Tavakkoli and Vahid Tizfahm. They are all leaders of the Baha'i community and have been imprisoned since May 2008. The first phase of trial occurred in January; the second is scheduled for trial. Amnesty International is campaigning against the legal processes used in these cases, specifically the failure of Iran's Revolutionary Courts to adhere to the international standards for fair trials.

Persecution of Baha'is in Iran has occurred since the inception of the religion in the mid 1800's specifically because Baha'is teach the equality of men and women, universal government under religious authority, and other tenets that are considered radical by Islamic authorities. Most of the persecutions have surrounded Baha'i beliefs that also include universal language, independent investigation of truth, equality of the races of the world, and economic justice.

Baha'i media page

This was the home of Baha'u'llah in Iran, which was destroyed during the revolution in 1979 when many Baha'is were persecuted.


Baha'i authorities document persecution of Baha'is in Iran during the 20th century to include outbreaks of violence against them and periodically using the religion as a scapegoat. Investigations have also observed persecutions in Egypt, although that country has been working closely with authorities in eradicating the problem there.

Brian Stewart of the CBC observed in January how the persecution of Baha'is has escalated under Iran's present regime. He writes how political persecution is the first action tyrannical government takes followed by the persecution of those who are weak in the society, which are often minority religious or ethnic groups.

 The Baha'i faith is considered an independent world religion with a major center in Wilmette, Illinois on which sits a temple considered to be one of the major architectural attractions in the United States.

Baha'i media bank, with permission

This beautiful temple is in Wilmette, Illinois, the administrative center for Baha'is in the United States.

Its international center is in Haifa, Israel where there are a number of beautiful gardens and temples.

Bahai'i media page

This Shrine of Baha'u'llah is dedicated to the founder of the Baha'i Faith and is located in Israel.


Shoghi Effendi, the grandson of the founder, Baha'u'llah is buried in the United Kingdom and is a place where many adherents of the Baha'i faith travel when they visit the various shrines.

Baha'i media site

This is the gravesite of Shoghi Effendi, the grandson of Baha'u'llah, located in London and is considered a holy site.

In Iran there are 300,000 adherents, the country's second largest religion.

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