Monday, June 21, 2010

Child labor continues to be a worldwide problem

Editor- "Children should not work, instead should have books in their hands. I know this because I had to start working at a very young age at the stone quarries. I want every child to go to school and get a free and quality education."

That's the opinion of Amarlal, reported by a non profit group that focuses on the issues of humanitarian concerns.

International Centre on Child Labor and Education tells us how millions of children continue to be involved in forced labor. despite the adoption of the ILO Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labor.

We are reminded there is still work to do regarding the welfare of children in the world.  The organization reports 215 million children against whom the crime of child labour is being committed. 115 mullion children, amounting to 1 out of 7 children in worst forms of child labour, that 11 years ago we pledged to our children.

The organization says the primary goal should be to make sure that children have a right to a free education and to also be free of exploitation.

What can ordinary people do?  Be apprised of the news on the problem.  Support agencies and organizations involved in the education of children.  Put pressure on government leaders to ensure laws to promote the safety and welfare of children are put in place, the organization says.

The most telling remark from the group is this, “It is time for us to declare war against child labour. It is time for the international community to state quite clearly that enough is enough and a strong political commitment must emerge to combat child labour once and for all. As with other wars, we need to establish effective strategic partnerships, including with those countries where child labour is prevalent. The time is right to do this and if we fail now, the consequences are too devastating to contemplate.”

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