Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Europeans ho-hum about Apple products

Carol Forsloff - Apple is releasing a new product this week, and Americans are lining up already; but what do our neighbors, the British, across the pond think of Apple?

Actually the Britons are hardly at all like Americans when it comes to Apple and really think the company and its products get too much hype.

A survey of those Brits by mingletrend.comfound 60% of them believe Apple is overrated.  Only a third agree with the level of excitement generated in the United States.

But is that across the board, over every generational group?  The survey found just a tendency of difference among adults, with young adults more apt to consider Apple's prominence at 40% ; however they too, by a majority of more than half of the respondents, believe the hype for Apple is over the top.

This figure reaches over 70% for those in their fifties. 6% of twenty-somethings think the hype could be even bigger whereas this figure is no more than 2% for any other age group.

Apple is releasing its iPhone 4 which has already sold out so that pre-orders have had to be blocked in the United States.  It continues to play a prominent role in the country's dealings, so it was important to see if this was a worldwide or country-wide phenomenon.

60% of the total of Brits surveyed were of the opinion that Apple is overrated with only a third agreeing with the level of excitement. Only 3% felt the brand could be publicised more. In other countries, the difference is even more astonishing, with those in countries outside the United States looking at the Apple interest as overrated.Across the channel from the Brits, respectively 77% and 81% in France and Germany, according to similar surveys conducted, consider the publicity about Apple and its prominence is exaggerated..

So Thursday will probably see many people excitedly upgrading their iPhone or even entering the smart phone market for the first time but on the other hand there will be many Brits and others around the world who wish the Apple hype would calm down.

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