Monday, August 18, 2014

Experts recommend to avoid summer months for medical procedures

Medical procedure with medication can have errors

Having a medical procedure this summer that is not a vital one?  Perhaps you might reconsider it and schedule it for the fall, because of the issue of medical errors and when they most occur.

Research has established that medical errors are most pat to occur in July.  That was determined in an evaluation of errors and when they most occur in a study conducted in 2010.

that the study determined is that the younger, less experienced doctors are often the ones who fill in for more seasoned physicians in the summer.  The experienced doctors take their vacations during that time, leaving those who are still in somewhat of the learning period to fill in.

Research has found in a University of California study that analyzed 244,388 death certificates issued between 1979 and 2006 listing medication errors as the cause of death, that the rates increased by 10 % in July.  These medicationn errors include:

- Accidental overdose

- Incorrect drug prescribed or taken by mistake

- Incorrect use of drugs during medical or surgical procedures

This increase was only found in areas containing teaching hospitals, and medication errors were the only medical mistakes associated with such a significant increase in fatalities.

Some of those who have examined this issue observe that there should be a balance and staggered process in how doctors are assigned to work and when.

When inexperienced doctors are involved, and many of them still in the process of mastering information, new medications may be found unnecessary or inappropriate in some situations, something the more seasoned doctors understand.

As the Food and Drug Administration maintains medication errors occur because of a number of complex factors.  These can include poor communication between medical personnel on a team or between members of the team and the pharmacy professionals.  In addition some drugs have similar names, therefore confusion can occur.  Other issues can involve fatigue on the part of some of those treating the patient when the packaging itself and the print on that packaging may be misread.

In any case, it is generally recommended that those who wish a voluntary medical procedure avoid the summer months when medication errors are less apt to occur, as observed years ago, a tendency that continues today.

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