Saturday, June 12, 2010

Visitors arrive on the Gulf for last look before oil spill worst

Oil arrived in Florida sparse amounts that swept ashore on Orange Beach with the anticipation of more Saturday, as hotels book folks waiting for what they think might be a long, last look at pristine beaches.

The oil has arrived in sparse amounts the morning this picture was taken, with a solitary man in the water.

"Where are you from," brings the answers Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, people from nearby areas, mostly hometown folk.

“Why are you here?” the next answer is telling for sure. “One last look maybe, since we don’t know what will happen.

It is that unexpected worry, that feeling of dread of not knowing what is coming next that has brought an anxious response to most people as the talk is mostly about beauty and the Gulf Coast and what might happen if it is ruined.

On Friday from Pensacola Beach to Orange Beach and along the Mississippi Gulf coast towns of Gulport and Biloxi saw a crowd of people at hotels and motels, with virtually no room anywhere. The conversation, however, was how folks had come for that long, last look at a time and place they think might never again be the same.

Incidental folks along the way, who have come as support personnel to the area, find difficulty getting information from the Unified Command headquarters, even as the press found no one answering phone lines given by clean-up workers still saying they are forbidden to talk to anyone about what is happening on the Gulf.

It is that not knowing that brings the anxiety the most, the worry about the unexpected or the worst case scenario that newscasters discuss.

Not knowing, but wanting to remember and having that last look people say they will treasure forever, as they wait, like everyone else, for what might happen to their lives from this day on.

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