Monday, July 12, 2010

British government looks to Facebook for ideas on spending cuts


[caption id="attachment_11401" align="alignleft" width="199" caption="David_Cameron at World Economic Forum 2010 - wikimedia commons"][/caption]

Carol Forsloff - Facebook is a popular social media site, and the government of Great Britain, understanding that, is using Facebook to secure ideas from the public at large for spending cuts and financial decisions. 

With 23 million members in the UK alone, the social media site, Facebook, according to Great Britain's notions might be able to provide Ministers with a wide ranging source of suggestions from the public in reference to proposed spending cuts.  At least that is the hope for the political world for using social networking on Facebook, according to SEO experts. 


The 'Spending Challenge' profile set up by the government has already received some 50,000 responses to their invitation for spending cut ideas. On the page, users are able to discuss spending priorities, offer their views and vote on their favorite suggestions.

It is anticipated that the best ideas will be analyzed further by Treasury officials and other members of the British government.

With a new, young Prime Minister, this move is considered to be unique for Prime Minister David Cameron who wasn't that keen on social media sites like Facebook but now seems to see it as an effective form of communication on issues of the economy.


In fact there is word the government is to make Facebook its primary means of public communication on issues of the economy.  


Prime Minister Cameron spoke with Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg recently to discuss a possible partnership with the site. On a recent visit to London, Zuckerberg was impressed by the level of public oriented online sites created in Britain after attending the London Facebook developer event. One particular project which appealed to Mr Zuckerberg, and one which he discussed with the PM, was the 'Together We Can' initiative. It offers communities in the UK a chance to influence the development of their local area.

The idea of integrating politics into the world of social networking, and subsequently creating a series of dialogues between ministers and voters, is a logical and inevitable step forward according to SEO consultants The increasing usage of social media, and Facebook in particular, cannot afford to be ignored by governments seeking to better understand and talk on a wide basis with a greater majority of the population.

Social media experts believe that this process will vastly increase traffic levels on Facebook, and will even tempt first time users to the site. With such an influx of users, the SEO benefits will be strongly felt in terms of the traffic increase, frequently updated information, and the huge potential for information sharing across sites.


In the United States then Presidential Candidate, and now President, Barack Obama found the Internet to be highly effective in reaching many thousands of people with his message. 


In the case of Great Britain's notions of reducing its deficit and involving its population, SEO experts declare this use of Facebook will allow a far greater level of efficiency when compared with other means of consultation and interaction.


The government declares a dedicated team of individuals have been placed at the center of national government to deal with the public's suggestions.  


The deadline for submissions is the 20th October 2010.


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