Friday, November 26, 2010

Bedwetting at holidays and in political conversation

Carol Forsloff - When the Democrats lost the Senate seat once occupied by Ted Kennedy to a Republican, David Plouffe observed  the response should not be an episode of bed-wetting, word play on its shame and what is a special problem for adults and children during holidays.

Its' the holiday season that finds people visiting friends and family, perhaps staying overnight either in hotels or motels or in a friend's spare room.  There are folks, however, for whom that is a problem, even if there is only the occasional bed-wetting occurrence, because these people cannot often predict when accidents can occur.

At one time my husband and I ran a small bed and breakfast with a single suite.  After a holiday weekend when a couple had stayed in the suite, I discovered afterward the sheet was soaked on one side with urine. The couple were adults, and one had wet the bed.

I was astounded.

The couple had already paid and left when I went to take off the sheets to change and make the bed to prepare for future guests. I hadn't seen this sort of thing at our place. Neither one of the couple had said anything. I didn't say anything either, just changed the sheets and said nothing. But this unique experience is shared by others who manage bed and breakfasts, hotels and motels in places around the world.

Bed-wetting, most people might think, is what happens with young children. Adults have the problem too. There is considerable shame involved for those with the issue. They often don't stay overnight, worrying about what might happen. Perhaps one member of the couple didn't think it would happen and was too embarrassed to say anything, since we usually sit with our guests at breakfast.

It turns out that 26 million adults in the United States have urinary incontinence and might wet the bed at night. The condition is called nocturnal enuresis. It can occur after some medical procedures, develop for some as they age, or be part of a problem that has existed over a number of years and hasn't been faced by the sufferer. Experts maintain the problem shouldn't be treated lightly as it can have serious effects on a person's life. For example, it can affect sleep, relationships and can be financially difficult because of the cost of bedding changes.

There are medications to help and support groups for people with this problem, so there is no need to hide from it since information exists about it. The Simon Foundation is devoted to helping people deal with the problem, understand and admit they have it, and be able to then seek treatment.

The National Incontinence Organization provides products for care including sanitary supplies and special creams. It also has information for those with bed-wetting problems.

Organizations declare the problem of bed-wetting is under-reported and 2/3 of those between the ages of 30 and 70 haven't discussed bladder issues with their physicians. So information is provided by the National Association for Continence to help people learn about the condition of bed-wetting and be able to deal with it and assist others to understand.

I did nothing; there was nothing to do when bed-wetting occurred in that suite. I could only wish whoever responsible get medical help for the problem so that shame might not get in the way.  And that politicians not increase that shame by making parallel reminders.

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