Friday, November 26, 2010

What movies make men cry?

Carol outlines some of the movies that not only bring tears to the female eyes, and those of children too, but also to those of the fellows.  It turns out this sensitive side responds to certain types of films and provokes a tear or two from them.

[caption id="attachment_4774" align="alignleft" width="216" caption="Tom Hanks"][/caption]

Here are the Top Ten films that make those grown men cry.  Although they might not admit it, these are the ones on the list: The first film in the Toy Story trilogy at No1 followed by Tom Hanks’ iconic role as Forrest Gump, the final part of the original Star Wars trilogy, Return of the Jedi, which ends with the heroic Luke Skywalker finally defeating the evil Empire.  The rest of the top ten included Jerry McGuire, Titanic, The Notebook, Marley And Me, Shawshank Redemption and Up.

Other films named by men include: Saving Private Ryan, Dead Poets Society, Platoon, Babe, Short Circuit, Out of Africa and even the Arnie action classic - Terminator 2.

Stuart Rowe, chief operating officer at, said: "Most men try to hide their feelings but sometimes you’ve just got to let it out. There’s no shame in having a few tears at a film. A good movie is meant to bring out emotion”.

"But we’ve been surprised by a couple of the choices that made our Top 10, so we want to warn our customers of the films that have the potential to make big boys cry so that they don’t face the embarrassment of breaking down in front of their mates while watching the DVD"

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