Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Major risks of lost snail mail from your local post office

[caption id="attachment_4482" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Maybee, Michigan post office"][/caption]

NATCHITOCHES, LA - Carol Forsloff - If the problems of education don't worry you, pay attention to the fact that evidence at your local post office may reflect the issues soon, as lost and undelivered mail can creates chao in communities.

In Natchitoches, Louisiana a local accountant and journalist swapped stories on the problem of mail being forwarded to wrong addresses, of items sent to residences but marked undeliverable as the wrong address in spite of a clearly-marked mail box, and mail being found on the sidewalk one block from a resident's home. Most people might see this as an isolated issue, but after interviewing a half dozen people in Natchitoches, Louisiana, it turns out that it isn't a coincidence that mail is delivered irregularly, not delivered, left behind or simply confused.

A visit to the Postmaster in the town brought excuses about complaints, but the problem continues no matter the visit.

This all happens as the U.S. post office complains that it isn't meeting its budgetary needs and has to increase costs.
No one knows for certain the amount of mail lost by the USPS, but the statistics range from 1% to 37% of all posted mail.  The advice from the postal service is to obtain proof of mailing, but then most people just use a stamp to send bills or for ordinary mail to friends and family.

Problems with mail deliveries are sufficient enough for the Internet to have forums about this and consumer affairs representatives devoted to answering questions.

Given issues involving computers, folks who toss mail aside or fail to deliver it, as has been found in some places, and other issues that prevent people from getting their mail, the ordinary person who faces this problem might never know when mail has been missed.  For the usual monthly bills, experts say to keep a list so that if a bill does not arrive, a phone call can be made for inquiry.

Most consumer complaint offices tell customers to take complaints to the local Postmaster.  Those complaints have been registered in

Natchitoches; the problems, however, continue.

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