Monday, December 20, 2010

The best and worst crisis management in 2010

[caption id="attachment_4398" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="BP logo"][/caption]

GHN News Editor --Despite the fact that passengers have been upset with
the airlines, according to David Margulies, author of Save Your
Company, Save Your Job - Crisis Management in the Internet Age, the
Transportation Safety administration gets gold stars.

BP got the low end of

the pole, responding inappropriately, slowly and with a raft of excuses
during the event of the oil spill in the Gulf, Margulies writes.

have you arrested if you touch my junk," on the Internet was handled
with poise, according to Marguilies; but BP's response from CEO Tony
Hayward, "I want my life back" showed management unsympathetic to the
plight of people and feeling put upon during the event.

Those are
the differences in how crisis experts should work.  They should be on
the spot, polite and taking a position of grace and style in interacting
with customers, Marguilies says.

Crisis, in short, means an
opportunity to assume the best and prepare for the worst efficiently is

the bottom line message given for good management to be effective.
