Saturday, April 30, 2011

Disaster response teams move to help South, gear up for future storms

Nashville, TN  --"Our teams are involved in the application of blue tarps to help prevent further water damage, home repair, debris removal alongside emotional and spiritual care,” explains Cherie Minton, Co-Founder of Hope Force. “The magnitude of damage is indescribable.

Minton, founder of Hope International has 1000 reservists on standby, according to the agency, in the after math of the deadly storms and tornadoes that have brought death and destruction across much of the South.  The organization is continuing to train folks for continuing problems, as the rash of destruction may develop in other places as May is the usual time for tornadoes to occur.

Disaster Response Teams were deployed to Chattanooga, Tennessee  following the first 24 hours after the deadly storm hit that state.  Presently they work in food distribution, hydration, emotional and spiritual care.  They are a volunteer agency with a religious orientation that is involved in disaster relief.

"We have staged three teams working in all four affected states. " Minton said.  The images of the storm’s destruction dramatically illustrate the unbelievable ferocity and damage of these storms.”

350 deaths have been reported in the South.  Media reports maintain it is the second-worst US history.   More dead are expected t be found in the rubble and debris that is scattered in much of Alabama and Mississippi as well as three other states.T

“Tornadoes can strike anywhere – in poverty-stricken areas, or in upscale neighborhoods,” Minton continues. “The outcome is always the same: people in shock... deeply traumatized... needing to know there are people who are willing to come alongside and bring desperately needed help.”

Hope Force specializes in training individuals in order to help them understand the difficulties that are involved in responding appropriately during disasters.  The training involves two days and two evenings of preparation for service. This training is required to be considered as a Hope Force Reservist - eligible for rapid deployment, often within 24 to 48 hours following a disaster event. The city of Rochester, New York hosts the next Reservist Training – May 12 to 14.  This contrasts with the ongoing days of training disaster experts have with the Red Cross.

Hope Force International (HFI)  has helped with relief efforts in the Gulf after Hurricane Katrina. “Our vision is to equip and empower willing responders to serve in immediate aftermath and recovery efforts, whenever and wherever disaster strikes,” Minton says. “Hope Force International has experienced rapid growth as people around the world respond to the cries of help from those who are suffering.”

The organization is asking for funds to help in the effort through the organization’s website  at “This disaster is truly unfathomable,” says Minton. “We have Reservists coming in from all across the nation. Please pray for the families of those who have lost their lives – literally hundreds – and for the necessary relief and recovery that will be taking place in the days and weeks ahead.