Saturday, July 2, 2011

Busy Moms deserve to look like a movie star too

Samantha Torrence - Tales from an Exhausted Housewife - Today as I sat in my jean shorts and a tank top while reading the news I came across an article about celebrity hair styles that guys love. The women were beautiful and well-coiffed. Their hair was shiny and the style looked effortless. These types of articles can ruin the entire day of the exhausted wife and mother, because those styles are not effortless. They take anywhere between 20 minutes to an hour to accomplish and that is simply time wasted when you have to get a bunch of kids ready for the day. Busy mothers many times simply do not have the resources to have that “beautiful hair that men love to touch.” We are lucky if it is brushed.

If you are anything like me you have either a) cut your hair short so it is easier to do or b) learned how to rock a ponytail like it is nobody’s business. These two options create more time for a mom to manage. These easy-to-do styles also allow for the opportunity for a shower and maybe shave your legs and other areas. They give you more time to deal with Jimmy’s meltdown because he can’t wear his favorite t-shirt or to help your husband find a shoe the baby moved when he was playing Daddy.  By the time everyone else is ready to go, you are exhausted and you just throw on some jeans and a t-shirt and start your day.

Sound familiar?

Do not feel bad if you don’t have that movie star hair, because you are not alone. Other women have the time for that in their day, or maybe they have a few extra dollars to spend on salon quality hair products. When I see a mother like that I say this little mantra “They might look perfect on the outside, but I bet there is a whole lot of crazy up there.” Is that judgmental? Yeah, but more often than not I bet I am right.

You having the forever ponytail is not your fault, but you can find some easier ways to get a more put together look if your family is willing to cooperate.

When I got tired of being the only one in my family to not look wonderful I decided to put my foot down and let my feelings be known. My family was all too ready to help me feel better and hopefully yours is too.

The “How to” for Movie Star hair for busy moms.

  • Step One:  Announce to your family, “I have had enough of not having time to get ready! I deserve to look nice!”  Sometimes your loving family does not know you feel neglected. For a mom who puts her entire self into her family they will respond to this revelation with concern and love. If they do not then they don’t deserve you.

  • Step Two: Formulate a morning routine that enables children independence in getting ready and having breakfast. Cereal is not hard to make. And yes, Dad can find his own shoe. I have found it helpful to lay clothes out with socks and shoes right next to it after the kids are asleep. If you have time to work that in before bed it gives you more time in the morning.

  • Step Three:  Buy product and tools. You do not need Matrix or Redkin to have a beautiful mane. I have had great success with Suave Professionals. They work about the same and are cheaper to boot.  You will need in addition to your shampoo and conditioner a heat protecting spray and a shine finisher. All of these products can be purchased with about $15.00.  You should also purchase a blow dryer/ round brush combo and a flat iron. I have gotten both of mine for about $50.00 but I am sure you thrifty shoppers out there can find it cheaper.  Those two tools make doing your hair faster and help smooth it and shine it.

  • Step Four: Force yourself to relax and realize you too are important and deserve time to do your hair and makeup.

Movie stars are paid to look good and have primping and maintenance worked into their day for their job. Busy moms just don’t have that luxury. We are not paid to look perfect and we always put our families before ourselves. For days you just want to throw your hair up in a ponytail let it be because you feel like it, not because you only have time to serve everyone but yourself.