Sunday, November 4, 2012

Learn these 14 benefits of eating chocolates

Mark Sanchez — Folks have been eating chocolates from centuries. It is used to make desserts, puddings, and all things that one could imagine under the sun. Dark chocolate has a number of health benefits. Each and every one of those people who considered that eating chocolate was a bad for their health was very wrong. Research and studies have been conducted on the benefits that chocolate has in it. It has been revealed that chocolate has a lot of therapeutic value. It has also been discovered that chocolate has great medicinal value. Next time if you happen to fall ill, make sure you grab a bar of your favourite chocolate to make you feel better.

Before listing the health benefits of chocolate, let me tell you a little bit about how chocolate originated. It started with a small cocoa bean. Cocoa is found in several parts of the African continent. In fact, Africa is one of the largest exporters of cocoa beans throughout the world. It sends beans to several countries all over the globe. It originates from a plant known as Theobroma cacao that means “Food of The Gods”. In the olden times, chocolate was eaten by only those who were rich and could afford it. Now, thanks to the commercialization of chocolate, almost everyone can afford a simple bar of chocolate. They taste like heaven and once at least everyone should try them.

The health benefits of chocolates are summarized as follows:

  1. Chocolate is rich in flavenoids which help in digestion. They can be used in ailments of the stomach. So a small piece of chocolate after lunch or dinner can possibly do well for your digestion. Do not hesitate to eat some after a meal.

  2. Chocolate has certain tannins that help in fighting bacteria against tooth decay. So do not worry if your kids are fond of eating chocolates. Just ensure that they do not consume too much of it. Since anything in excess can be harmful.

  3. Theobromine is found in chocolate which helps a great deal in fighting a sore throat and is even helpful in respiratory problems and asthma. Isn’t it great that while battling a sore throat eating a little bit of your favourite chocolate can actually make you feel better?

  4. Chocolates are mood elevators. They have endorphins in them which, when consumed, induce a feeling of euphoria or happiness. Hence it is good to eat some chocolate when feeling low. For all those people suffering from mild depression, stop having those pills and opts for a bar of chocolate instead. It can do wonders for your health.

  5. Eating dark chocolate to battle hypotension is a smart choice. Since hypotension can cause liver cirrhosis, a dreaded disease. So it is better to take precautions to avoid it.

  6. It can bring down stress. Change your sad, grumpy mood to a happy one. It can act as comfort food when you are sad and even add a few extra years to your life.

  7. It can do wonders for your face; it adds a glow almost instantly. People have been eating chocolates from centuries to keep looking fresh.

  8. Chocolate scrubs are used for exfoliation in spas. You must try it out. It removes the dead skin and cells, revealing a beautiful and soft, radiant skin.

  9. Chocolate consumption actually keeps the cardiac system, the respiratory system, and the digestive system functioning to perfection.

  10. Dark chocolates are rich in vitamins and minerals that support the health. The exceptional nutritional qualities make it a high-energy food.

  11. Chocolate can do wonders for your brain. It can ameliorate cognitive function and reduce the chances of stroke. It contains chemicals like phenylethylamine that improves cognitive abilities of the brain.

  12. Taking appropriate amounts of chocolate develops resistance to fatigue. An average chocolate bar contains approx 6 mg of caffeine, in contrast to 100-150 mg in a cup of coffee.

  13. Contrary to popular belief, dark chocolate never contributes to the problem of acne.

  14. It is an acknowledged fact that chocolate eases menstrual pain.

So do not live in the misconception that chocolate is not helpful. Chocolate is something that makes the world seem like a better place and adds a touch of magic when you are feeling low. Next time if you happen to fall ill make sure you reach out to a bar of your desired chocolate to make you feel better and happy. So go ahead and grab your favourite chocolate and sit back and enjoy the enchanting thrill that it spreads.