Monday, August 25, 2014

Mental health problems linger after women leave abusive partners

What we know or fear about domestic abuse
Carol Forsloff -  "People often wonder why abused women don’t leave their partners. But experts have found that things are not necessarily better after leaving an abuser, at least not right away.  It's a difficult process." 
Kate -Adkins, lead author of the study of domestic relationships and abuse,
who did the work as a doctoral student at Ohio State University made these observations several years ago.

The study found that women who leave a violent partner may minimize their risks, but the mental health consequences last long after the relationship ends.  In fact it was found that mental health issues may actually worsen in mothers before it improves.

In fact research has pointed out the effects of abuse to both mental and physical health can last long or even be permanent.

Arthritis, hypertension and heart disease have been tied to domestic abuse, according to experts.  It is also related to suicide attempts.  Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder are some of the emotional consequences.

There are also economic effects from domestic abuse.  A woman who goes off on her own after years of living with a partner, often has limited financial resources.  In fact, the fear of poverty or having no place to go is a major reason why women stay in abusive relationships.  Then the loss of income during the abuse itself has consequences to future earnings as well as limitations that include a lower Social Security from missed work time.  Moving is costly, and so is divorce.  All these factors add to increased difficulty from living with an abusive partner and suffering additional problems for years later.

Another devastating consequence of domestic abuse is that the victim often blames herself during the time abuse occurs and even afterwards thinks of how her behavior might have created the problems.  The pronouns "her" and "she" used here is to remind the readers that most victims of domestic abuse are women, although there is a recognition that men can also be abused.

And one of the long-term concerns following years of abuse, is that the woman finds it difficult to trust other s or to even trust herself in making the right choices.  Sometimes that means choosing the familiar, which means a man with some of the same negative characteristics as the abuser, therefore increasing the fear of making the wrong choice.  Other women may avoid dating or getting closely involved with another man for a very long time.

So when we consider the problems of domestic abuse, and see the shelters available for women and the support groups, those who plan the help are recognizing that abuse is not a one time or temporary problem but one that can last for years or even a lifetime.  That is a consequence to the fabric of society, so the problem is for everyone else.  The results of the research, and findings over the years, helps everyone grow in learning about domestic abuse so we can intervene, support or give financial contributions to those organizations that help the victims and offer education about abuse to the rest of us.

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