Thursday, July 8, 2010

Flaws in our system that work against democracy


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Carol Forsloff - "Once we are aware of the issues that affect our communities locally and globally, we are morally obligated to act."  So says an independent media group that wants to see corporate profits and government control out of media work.

The organization, Media for Action, maintains, " Learning about global issues is the first step to developing the skills you need to have a lasting impact. In the end, the extent of our impact on a specific global issue will depend on our capacity to create meaningful and sustainable change."

In a new documentary written and directed by Pete McGain and hosted by Woody Harrelson, the flaws in our system of democracy are examined and underline how our top media serves corporate power more than the people.

ETHOS explores the systems that lead us into over consumption and warfare and is a production of Media for Action, a non profit production company based in Santa Monica, set up specifically to deal with contentious cultural issues as a provocative response to corporate media.

"Too often the media celebrates aspects of our society that belong in the dark ages, while at the same time ignoring or ridiculing progressive thinking or ideas. As soon as you ask why, you open a Pandora's Box that is really quite sinister. Many aspects of the way our systems work almost guarantee our destruction as a society and that's what this film is about,"' Said Pete McGrain writer/director of Ethos in discussing his controversial film.

Proper journalism is about asking tough questions. Having a constant eye to the bottom line or corporate agendas compromises good journalism. Operating as a non profit lets us negotiate that dilemma." Said Isabella Michelle Marles, Co Producer and Founder of Media for Action.

"Having Woody Host the film is incredible. There are few celebrities that actually walk the talk and Woody's integrity and honesty is vital for a film that deals with these highly contentious issues. The film will obviously get a lot more exposure because of his support and working with high profile actors who can bring attention to progressive media is a model that we want to repeat." Said Director Pete McGrain.

Ethos is now in post production with distribution yet to be put in place. "We have kept a really low profile on the project for many reasons, but we are now ready to put the film out there. I'm really excited to see how people respond. Hopefully it will get people asking questions and that is what it is all about.' Said McGrain.

While Media for Action envisions the media apart from political and corporate power, it was also the vision of Thomas Jefferson, who himself had problems with the press who criticized him seriously during Jefferson's elecction campaign.  Yet the President who underlined much of the historical precedents for specific democratic freedoms, and to preserve that democracy, was in favor of the press having the freedom necessary to bring power to account.

It is that freedom Media for Action says it wants to ensure in a world where they say Jefferson's idea of press independence is not happening.


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