Thursday, July 8, 2010

You can become a dog whisperer


[caption id="attachment_14129" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Golden retriever service dogs"][/caption]

News Editor - The Robert Redford movie the "Horse Whisperer" showed a patient man able to settle and tame horses, but it is more than horses where the "whisperer" skills are used, including being a dog whisperer.

Maybe not just anyone, but if you love being around dog's, and don't show fear, or feel much of it when confronted, then you may be a candidate for becoming a dog whisperer.

To watch Cesar Milan, as the Dog Whisperer, perform his brand of magic on  insubordinate dogs, is an amazing feet, according to those who have watched him.   Cesar learned on his own by watching his grandfather on the farm, and the neighboring farm dog's as they ran as their own pack 

It can be difficult to control an irate dog, Cesar maintains, but training can help people learn if they are the kind of person oriented towards doing that.

Furthermore, Milan says,  "Learning how to train dog's doesn't have to be a career. It can be learned for your own self knowledge, to keep your dog in  line, and help others. "

There are many dog training schools to choose from with a variety of techniques in training. As Cesar puts it," It's dog behavior and psychology. ".

Cesar learned watching how the dog's interacted as a pack as the leader took charge. He realized through watching his grandfather being calm and assertive with his dog's how he inadvertently became the pack leader himself.

And for Cesar it was the beginning of being what he is today. A self-taught dog whisperer.   But for those who need training, there is a video series and dog training that gives more information.

Our dog's are our best friend and it's not just a cliche. Whether you watch the dog whisperer or go to a dog training school, it will be a rewarding hobby or career that you can enjoy yourself and also share your knowledge by helping others.



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