Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fitness experts remind folks to shop in person as well as online

[caption id="attachment_4799" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Shopping carts"][/caption]

Honolulu,HI, -  GHN News - While more and more people are shopping
online, a physical therapy consultant says the best way to stay in shape
is to spend more time shopping in person as part of the effort to
remain healthy.

A purely sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy, Pat Sanders reminds us.
“Unfortunately, as with many conveniences in our lives, online shopping
adds one more sedentary activity to the hours we already spend sitting,”
she explains, as a physical therapy consultant for How To Get Back In
show that health risks increase with the amount of time we spend
sitting. That is why this year we are encouraging our readers to
counteract the sedentary activity of online shopping by purchasing
“Fitness” Christmas Gifts.”

Friday, November 26, 2010, the day after Thanksgiving,  is the busiest
shopping day of the year. Friday, November 26, 2010, the day after
Thanksgiving.  This is the day of special sales.

retailers have made Black Friday easier for shoppers by extending their
sales days. For example, Amazon is starting their Black Friday deals on
Monday, November 22, and extending thru to Cyber Monday, November 29th.

the same time, to stay in shape, fight the crowds is also the
recommendation, because there is bound to be a lot of people running for
those bargains.

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