Monday, November 22, 2010

Pomegranates could benefit Louisiana and Afghanistan economies

[caption id="attachment_4807" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Pomegranates"][/caption]

NATCHITOCHES, LA - Carol Forsloff - While
scientists are now promoting the benefits of pomegranate for its high
anti-oxidant value, for economic options this could be beneficial for Louisiana and Afghanistan, two places that could use an income boost.

Newest research points to the many characteristics of pomegranate that

make it good for our well-being.  In the face of mounting debts, and as
states look for revenue sources, could this be a possibility for

At the same time Afghanistan farmers grow poppies that makes opium used
to fund terrorism. The U.S. is encouraging pomegranate as the cash crop
to replace it, because farmers can make more money from pomegranate than
opium. This is an effort to control terrorism.

Pomegranate has had a surge in popularity since the
high anti-oxidant value of the fruit has been written about in the
media. The bottled juice is popular in food stores everywhere. It also
has a healthy price tag relative to other juices.

This special fruit of the Gods, pomegranate has been a favorite food since ancient times. It grows well in semi-arid climates so does well in parts of Africa, India and Asia,
Afghanistan, Pakistan and other places like that. It also grows in areas
of California and Arizona, the tree having been introduced into the
United States in the mid 18th century.

As recently as the late 1980's sales of pomegranate in
the United States were relatively low. Then came the information about
its health value. That brought new interest in the fruit, giving impetus
to sales.

Pomegranate has been touted as having significant health benefits in a number of areas. These are some of them according to reviews of it:

# Being rich in antioxidants, pomegranate can keep LDL (bad cholesterol) from oxidizing and thus, prevents atherosclerosis.
# Pomegranate has been found to help keep blood platelets from clumping together and forming unnecessary clots.
# Regular consumption of pomegranate juice is said to be beneficial for those suffering from heart diseases.
# Researches have indicated that pomegranate compounds might prevent prostate cancer and even slowdown its growth.
# Pomegranate juice has also been associated with reducing the risk of breast cancer.
# Pomegranate juice is pretty good for those suffering from diarrhea, but it over-consumption can lead to constipation.
# Pomegranate is said to be good for reducing plaque in the arteries and raising levels of HDL (good cholesterol).
# It has been seen that pomegranate juice helps prevent heart attacks and even stroke.
# Studies have shown that maternal consumption of pomegranate juice might protect the neonatal brain from damage after injury.
# Pomegranate is believed to help prevent cartilage deterioration and thus, keep osteoarthritis at bay.

The counter-narcotics strategy discusses how the
United States hopes to help farmers in making the transition from
growing the poppies that make opium to pomegranate. It's important to do that since the drug trade has undermined Afghanistan's economic stability.

Experts believe that
pomegranates can give Afghanistan a long-term incentive to switch from
poppies because farmers can make more money with pomegranates than with
poppies. The problem, it is said, is the fact that pomegranate trees
take 4-5 years to grow.

For Louisiana oil and gas have been the main sources of income for the
state.  There are those folks, however, who are beginning to look at the
environmental damage of these energy sources.  Would the raising of
special health foods and making this central to the economy add an
additional benefit for the state?  Knowledge is power, and Louisiana has
the resources to bring this fruit more and more visible as part of a
Louisiana crop.

In addition supply and demand can affect sales, thus boosting the economy.

It is believed that the pomegranate is a reasonable alternative to
environmental hazardous activities given the present demand for the
fruit and the fact that it can produce a healthy alternative for farmers
while improving the health of the planet.

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