Sunday, May 1, 2011

President Obama declares 'Osama bin Laden is dead'

While the nation waited anxiously, President Barack Obama was reported to be preparing his historical announcement that Osama bin Laden was killed in Islamabad and that the body is in the hands of America, bringing to a close a dark chapter in history that was hammered into the memories of the world on September 11, 2001.

[caption id="attachment_4010" align="alignleft" width="237" caption="FBI poster of Osama bin Laden"][/caption]

Osama bin Laden had orchestrated the bombing of the World Trade Towers that killed 3,000 people in Washington DC, a field in Pennsylvania and the Towers in New York City.  Then President Bush vowed to capture bin Laden "dead or alive."  On President Obama's watch, bin Laden was killed, as the particulars of what happened began to filter in from media sources in the Middle East and the United States.

Tonight hundreds of people have gathered on the White House lawn singing patriotic songs in celebration of the announcement of bin Laden's death.  In the meantime, CNN reported that there is heightened security in anticipation of the possibility of retaliation by members of Al Qaida.

President Obama, media sources close to the White House said, had been busy most of the day, interacting with top administration officials.  The press was notified to be ready for the announcement originally scheduled for 10:30 p.m. Sunday, EST.  The announcement was made one hour later.

In his remarks Obama thanked President al Zadari and Pakistan for assistance in the US locating and killing bin Laden.

The announcement comes after whispers fanned by right wing conspiracy theorists that Obama was in league with foreign sources and because his father was Muslim that he would be soft on terrorism.  It is, however, during Obama Presidency that the historic announcement was made Sunday night that the body of bin Laden is in US hands and that the terrorist sought for ten years is dead.