Monday, May 2, 2011

From the conscience of a conservative: Thank you Mr. President

[caption id="attachment_4044" align="alignleft" width="222" caption="President Barack Obama"][/caption]

Samantha Torrence--It almost feels like the day after 9/11 when America huddled together for comfort, and for just one small week we were one nation. We were not liberals and conservatives, or Republicans or Democrats, we were just Americans.  That time has happened again, to help us all remember that.

It has been a harrowing ride from then until now. Our nation has seen bitterness and hatred as we have become polarized. Our relationship as a nation has been strained because of the economy, and we all know that money problems are the number one cause of fighting and divorce. Hopefully the death of Osama Bin Laden has brought us back from that brink.

In 2001 we had a President that was not well liked, but after our shock and horror at being attacked and his speech to comfort us his approval ratings shot through the roof. Now nearly ten years later we have another President who has given us another speech to inspire our patriotism. If liberals and Democrats could put aside their misgivings for President Bush then I do not think it is a stretch for Republicans and Conservatives to do the same for President Obama.

I am grateful that President Obama delivered to us the finality to our mourning and the justice we have been craving. The good he did for our country by allowing these operations to happen can hopefully help us clean this wound of the salt festering in it and begin to allow healing. Am I naïve to think this is all we will need to come together as a nation? No.

As a Conservative I still do not support many of the initiatives that President Obama, his administration, and his party are presenting or enacting. And despite the enormity of respect I have for what he has done I still have my principles. And I think that President Obama can respect that.

So while I thank President Obama with all of my heart for bringing finality and close the cycle that had begun on 9/11 there are still some things that I plan on voicing opposition to. I plan on continuing my opposition to the healthcare bill as I see it as being far too punitive on the average citizen, and not proactive enough in really providing healthcare of fixing our healthcare system. I do not plan to support raising the debt ceiling, gas taxes, and estate taxes. I am still against bail outs for any big companies especially the banks. I will continue to demand that he get tough on the out of control spending in America. I certainly plan on asking him to reign in his green initiatives till we are stable enough to proceed.

But today, I will put aside my differences and focus on the one thing he and I can agree on. I will be happy that we have seen the last of this mad man who has brought so much pain and hurt to the world, and this action happened on the watch of President Barack Obama.

Thank you Mr. President