Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Rapture: Science and religious views

Carol Forsloff - Christians believe that after disastrous environmental events and people so divided they can agree on very little, to the point of their differences separating families,  Jesus will come in the flesh, take his beloved believers in a rapturous state to heaven while some left behind will live in an earthly paradise and others in an agonizing hell.   In some ways science agrees.

[caption id="attachment_4620" align="alignleft" width="273" caption="Central Madras Fault"][/caption]

The variations of the story are multiple, but the outline is similar for most denominations.  There is to be a time, recorded in the Book of Revelation in the Holy Bible, where man will be judged following cataclysmic and frightening events, according to Christian premise.

What are those events?  The Bible predicts floods, fires, earthquakes, plagues and man's own inhumanity toward man in the form of wars.

Science has recently supported the potential of these cataclysmic events, in the form of increasingly severe weather conditions, the kind that have been seen in recent years.  It is predicted these natural disasters will increase in severity.  The West Coast is said to be overdue for an earthquake from California to Alaska.  In the central part of the United States the Central Madras Fault is predicted to create a severe earthquake, the kind that occurred in the early 19th century, with an impact from the middle part of the country surrounding Tennessee all the way to Washington DC.

One geologist recently predicted a major earthquake to occur in Nevada on May 19.

Carson City, Nevada is the capital city of Nevada with tall, modern office buildings, sweeping corridors of commerce, and a sign at the entrance to the town that boasts the Rapture that will occur on May 21 in large letters.  Nevada, filled as it is with mountains and desert, is said to have been created as it is following a series of earthly upheavals, science predicts may happen again.  In Reno, Nevada newspaper advertisements proclaim this means the imminent arrival of the Rapture.

Science does not, however, predict a specific date for any of these environmental disasters nor does it necessarily support the potential of an ascent of the spiritually blessed.  It is, however, an interesting detail that the clamor about environmental disasters and spiritual ones are the focus of both science and faith for the month of May.