Saturday, February 18, 2012

Stretch how far your SNAP benefits go with gardening

[caption id="attachment_4259" align="alignleft" width="225"] Fresh vegetables[/caption]

Samantha Torrence - Welfare and food stamps are synonymous with poverty and are constantly scrutinized by society especially in hard economic times when social programs are most needed and costly to government budgets. In Ohio food stamp/SNAP benefits seem to be more difficult to come by than in recent years, so during these times of troubles it is helpful to know how to make your dollar stretch while still bringing nutritional food to your family.

Gardening has always been a cheap way to stretch a dollar and the benefits of gardening can be utilized even on food stamps. If you do not posses the money to buy seeds or plants check with your state, in Ohio you can buy seeds which produce edible plants such as herbs and vegetables, or those plants themselves, to cultivate in an a garden. You could spend upwards of fifty dollars a month on fruits and vegetables for your family, or you can buy seeds and grow them yourself saving that money to put towards meat, dairy, and grains.

Do not let your surroundings limit you in your ability to garden. Whether you live in the city, suburbs, or rural areas there are always options available to you for gardening if you are creative. Urban Gardening groups and individuals like Bob Ewing have already published their gardening ideas to help you start on the path to great food and self sufficiency.

You will need to budget in a few dollars for some supplies like potting soil, some hand held gardening tools from the dollar store, and some containers. However, even these items can be found for free or cheap through local freecycles, friends, neighbors, or even charities. Containers can be anything around your house that can hold plants and water. You can use an old boot, a 2 liter pop bottle, or a mason jar just be creative. Spend some time researching what your vegetable and herb plants need, some need more room to grow so a larger container and others need soil that is breathable so you will need a container that can drain.

Take advantage of the opportunity the SNAP program gives to families to grow their own food, you will not only stretch your supply but you will save money for the state and federal budget. You can become even more of a frugal and gardening wiz if you learn to and incorporate canning and storing of your home grown fruits, herbs, and vegetables. Gardening and the self sufficiency it provides can make you feel more in control, boost your spirits, and help you feel more secure even in a difficult situation.