Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Brazilian swimmers save the dolphins

[caption id="attachment_14989" align="alignleft" width="300"] Dolphins[/caption]

Carol Forsloff - It's Earth week, a recognition of the value of the earth and its inhabitants. While people offer protest and politicians offer no solutions for the environmental crisis, there are people who take matters so seriously, in their own hands, there is no question as to their humanity, as in Brazil when a group of swimmers saved a school of dolphins.

A school of dolphins swam ashore, struggling to get back to their natural habitats and unable to do so because of the sand on the beaches of Brazil. Although dolphins can live for many hours when they are out of water, their bodies have to be kept damp all the time and cooled. A dolphin that is forced to lie on the ground can suffer great stress because of the pressure on its internal organs, according to experts.

Climate change is causing the death of many dolphins, with thousands who have been swept up on the beaches of Peru, for example, and dying there. Experts tell us that climate change is the biggest threat faced by dolphins who may not be able to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

But some people recently took responsibility for a school of dolphins, saving the entire school of them that had washed upon the beaches of Brazil. The rescue is shown here, something many people will likely applaud during a week where taking care of the earth and its inhabitants is a major focus.