Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Duo creating sensation in a world of music

[caption id="attachment_15963" align="alignleft" width="180"] Nancy Burridge, vocalist on Fandalism[/caption]

Carol Forsloff --If you're a musician, you have likely encountered times when you suddenly lose a key member of your group and need that vocalist, drummer, bass player or strong lead and can't find that special person.  Or you are a fan of music, and you hope to find folks from different walks of life performing together a song you particularly enjoy.  Fandalism is a music site that promotes cooperation, not competition; and a recent collaboration between a songwriter and performer from the United Kingdom and a great vocalist from Florida demonstrates how the best can be forged from relationships in social media translated into music.

Nancy Burridge is that Susan Boyle-type singer, the kind that comes from a relatively small US  town, where she sings at various community events, and then suddenly springs forth dramatically with a  voice particularly special.  Fandalism has other musicians who make the site a wonderful place to find good music, and singers like Nancy, rather than being threatened by competition, are instead embracing each other in a world where love is the answer in the threads of musical notes.

Patrick Collard has a dimension reminiscent of John Denver, as both a songwriter and performer.  He plays the guitar eloquently, composes with style and is able to touch hearts with his musical masterpieces.  Add one of his songs to a vocal of Nancy Burridge, and you have the dessert you can savor and dream about for days.

Great artists sometimes spend a lifetime trying to be discovered and realize their dreams.  In a world where anybody can, there are those who go far beyond the ordinary.  Yet they too struggle like others, in spite of great talent.  But Fandalism is a stage where all the world may come, but not a place where everyone can immediately shine.  These two have reached that place, a place of shining in the group.

Have a listen, and like this reporter immerse yourself in something wonderful to begin your day.  And end it on the same note, for it will make your dreams so much sweeter.

