Kim Iannetta — USA Utopia?...not.
Parents must work to survive, leaving children on their own.
Schools are closing and educational opportunities are decreasing.
Aid to the elderly including "meals on wheels" for those unable to leave their beds are being cut back for lack of funding (in Hawaii).
The military saps our resources and we do not take care of those wounded and their family's adequately.
We do not train our people to take care of our earth and learn to grow plants to eat.
We allow GMO's to taint our food and seeds.
We trash our oceans with plastic and chemicals, killing off our fish and birds.
We insist on lax gun laws for those not involved in hunting for food.
We allow guns and ammunition to be bought "on-line".
Our security personnel have their hands tied.
Everything needs an overhaul, and the "red tape" to get anything done further complicates an already impossible situation.
We are already a prison nation.
Banned abortions allow for a new generation of the poor and prisoner's children to further fill the prisons.
Our money is spent on the "war machine" and the arms dealers.
We support nations in weapons and then they turn them on us when they are not our chosen country.
And the rich get richer for all the loopholes in our tax laws.
This is my gripe for today
About the Author
Kim Iannetta lives in Hawaii, the place people consider a paradise, that is suffering as is the rest of the nation in economic and social woes. She expresses that total feel, that some folks think and don't wrap up as well but captures the mood of many in this snippet of valuable opinion.