Friday, January 18, 2013

How to maintain your vitamin intake while on a diet

Kate Simmons — Being on a diet is extremely challenging as you need to deprive yourself from your favorite food. However, it does not mean that you need to torture your body and develop a vitamin deficiency. To the contrary, it is vitally important to find the right balance between your dietary rules and the correct amount of vitamin intake.

If you are on a diet, you will need to compensate for the lack of nutrients because of your eating habits. Obviously a healthy diet dietrequires a lot of fruit and vegetables on your plate, but no one is perfect and we all might lack some important vitamins. Remember that even a low-calorie diet can provide your body with all the vitamins you need.

Everyone knows how important vitamins are for your health and beauty. If you have a certain vitamin deficiency, your skin, hair, and health can be compromised. If you don’t live in a hot sunny country where you can enjoy fresh mangoes every day, you should consider taking vitamin supplements.

Being careful would not hurt

However important they are, you should always pay attention to the right amount of vitamins, since liver cells and your fat store all extra vitamins in your body. Therefore, excessive amounts of vitamins could be accumulated, compromising your health. For example, in rare cases, Vitamin A intoxication could cause permanent damage to your liver, vision, and bones. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Vitamin K deficiency can cause osteoporosis. This vitamin is responsible for creating osteocalcin – a protein that basically keeps calcium in your bones.

Even though vitamin deficiency/intoxication is pretty rare, you need to consult your general practitioner before going on a diet. Your doctor should recommend you the right amounts of vitamin intake per day.

Gym Therapy

If you’re on a right track of losing weight and burning all the extra calories that you don’t need you can start going to the gym. Working out would stimulate your body to lose weight faster and would make you feel good. Active exercising is good for you regardless of your diet.

At the same time, if you want to accelerate the process, you should consider taking liquid protein supplements that would help you build the muscles. These supplements are useful for post-gym recovery, they also encourage muscle growth. Amino acids such as whey and casein are the main ingredients.

Liquid protein supplements would compensate the daily intake of proteins for your body in case you’re not allowed to eat meat or if you’re a vegetarian. You also need to consult your doctor before you start a course of protein supplements.

Be careful! Going to the gym can be really addictive, but it is a good thing!

Taking care of your food habits requires a lot of patience and planning. You also need to have some basic knowledge about nutrition and what your body needs to get on a daily basis. There is a lot of nutrient-dense types of food that are rich with minerals and vitamins and have few calories. Find a balance between the vegetables you eat and vitamin supplements you take and your diet would be a success!

About the Authors

Kate Simmons is an occasional blogger and fresh graduate currently working as a diet and nutrition advisor.

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