Monday, February 25, 2013

Does the moon change your mood?

Sophie Webb — It is known that the moon has some kind of influence on our species. If you think about it on very basic terms; the Moonmoon controls the tides – so why can’t it have some effect on us humans who are also made up of salt and water. This article investigates how the moon affects us.

Believing that the moon affects humans isn’t superstition. Time to get technical.

Between the Earth’s surface and 35-50 miles upwards (the D layer) is something called the ionosphere cavity. When the cavity is disturbed by a force, it can resonate at seven cycles a second; the exact same frequency as mankind’s brainwaves. When there is a full moon, the cavity is affected and begins to resonate; having an effect on people’s brains. Sounds like something out of a science fiction movie right? However, this is a true fact. And interestingly enough, some people are affected far more than others.


Right from the beginning, the moon plays a part in shaping your existence. Think about it. As a baby, you are at the most impressionable point in your life. The length of days and amount of daylight that you receive in your first few months of existence will play a pivotal part in defining your personality. Feelings deep in our subconscious are in fact controlled by the moon. By finding out what the moon’s phase, or house, was at your time of birth you can use this tool here. After finding out your moon house, you can begin to really find out what effect the moon is having on you.

Star Signs

The moon seems to have a profound effect on people who are born under water-type star signs. These signs are Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces. Throughout history, the moon is known as being a pure, feminine energy which brings out the softer emotions in males. This also pertains to people born under female star signs such as Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

The Effect of the Full Moon

Have you ever looked into where the word ‘lunacy’ comes from? In 18th century England, it was believed that a short period of insanity was bought on by certain phases of the moon. If a person had committed a crime when a full moon had been in the night’s sky, they could plead in court ‘lunacy’ to receive a less harsh sentence. When the moon is full, it has the biggest effect on the tides; so it is only logical that it has the biggest effect on us also. The moon is known for bringing out a wild side in us all; why do you think people go wild at full moon parties all around the world? In the 1970s in Dale County Florida, a study was conducted to reveal the affect the full moon had on people committing homicides. Over a fifteen-year-period it was found that the murder rate always rose when there was a full or new moon present in the sky.

As you can see, the moon does indeed affect our mood somewhat. So next time you feel a bit odd when there is a full moon in the sky, take pride in knowing that you are being affected by something bigger than you can ever imagine.


About the author

Sophie is a lifestyle blogger at ‘The Mirror’ ( she writes about all things to do with spirituality, astrology, general well-being and personal growth, and is keen to spread her message.

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