Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Trauma support critical for disaster victims.

Losing it all--homelessness can result from lack of trauma support
Carol Forsloff - A flood or fire sweeps into an area bringing
destruction everywhere. The horror can be overwhelming.   An oil spill,
following on the heels of hurricane recovery, can cause serious trauma
that experts maintain requires early intervention and sometimes long-term care.

Professionals remind us how important it is for survivors to be given immediate help. Catastrophes,psychologists declare, can be especially traumatic. The after-effect brings emotional responses that can go on for days, months or years.

People say they relive what happened and have problems that include
wakefulness, crying, depression, anger and fear. Some have problems
coping with everyday living. They often need immediate help from other

Even the hero pilot of the US Air Plane, Chesley
"Sully" Sullenberger,
who calmly took controls of his plane,
landing it in the Hudson River to save 155 lives, has reported having after
effects emotionally. So have his crew and the people rescued. Early
support for survivors of catastrophes, according to the Australian
Psychological Society,

“1. promoting a sense
of safety and control 2. helping people contact friends and loved ones,
and connecting families 3. assisting people to get the help they need
while encouraging them to get involved in their own recovery 4. allowing
survivors to have their own reaction, and 5. instilling hope.”

In the United States Red Cross volunteers are among the first responders to an area. They moved folks to New Orleans and around the State of Louisiana to help the survivors of Hurricane Katrina. Afterwards they referred people for
continuing counseling and support to private agencies, like Volunteers
of America.

The Red Cross has responded to victims of Gaza,earthquake survivors in Asia, and flood victims in Louisiana, such as
from Hurricane Katrina, and counselors are among those who help.

Helping children recover from trauma requires special skill. One website
details the techniques used by psychologists who help young children
come to terms with what has happened.

It is sometimes needed to provide counseling for a very long time because children may suffer problems in school, crying, nightmares and other reactions that can continue to cause hurt. A form of debriefing is important for those who have gone through trauma.

Experts say without having some support for victims of catastrophes
caused by flood, fire, war, earthquakes and events like 9/11 is
essential to help prevent long-term trauma reactions.

On Grand Isle during the oil disaster whole families faced financial ruin, possible displacement,and the loss of a distinct culture.  These are people who have suffered through terrible storms and came up bravely.  The slow-moving, odious oil created that never-knowing, awful feeling that keeps coming up, as
people say, at most unexpected times.

A stranger, a journalist, found folks weeping when they spoke of homes and families,after saying they would weather through hardships just fine.  But many will likely need emotional help.

Experts tell us that intervention of mental health support must come sooner than later.  The mental health factors, often overlooked, are said to be an important part of the ongoing
services provided throughout the affected regions.

Mental health issues can last longer, sometimes for years; and experts say must not be disregarded in planning for disaster victims.  During times of increased stress, such as a weather event, those with PTSD, for example, often have more difficulty coping.

The support for people during times of crisis need to involve mental health personnel.  The fact that experts, and therefore the general public, are beginning to realize this, can aid in the recovery of those who are victims of disasters.

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