Monday, July 5, 2010

Obama announces recent alternative energy development projects

News Editor - Information on energy alternatives is often not provided in the din of painful noise from the suffering of an oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, but to get past cynicism for awhile, just what are we doing to investigate energy options?


While many people express doubt about alternative energy, given the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, there is news to report about some advances in seeking and developing alternative energy.

 In this week’s address, President Barack Obama announced that the Department of Energy is awarding nearly $2 billion in conditional commitments from the Recovery Act to two solar companies. 

Abengoa Solar is one of these companies.  It has agreed to build one of the largest solar plants in the world in Arizona, which will create about 1,600 construction jobs with over 70 percent of the construction components and products manufactured here in the USA.  When completed, this plant will provide enough clean energy to power 70,000 homes is said to be the intention.

 Abound Solar Manufacturing is the other company awarded financial support for its efforts towards creating alternative energy sources.  It is building two new plants, one in Colorado and one in Indiana.  These projects will create more than 2,000 construction jobs, and over 1,500 permanent jobs as the plants produce millions of state of the art solar panels each year. 

So while the oil is spilling into the Gulf of Mexico continuously, the United States is in indeed examining alternative energy sources that may eventually lead to a major reduction in oil dependence.

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