Monday, July 12, 2010

Troubadours tell us the news of the oil spill in musical stories


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Carol Forsloff -  Early man would draw pictures on caves and rocks to chronicle events, while later troubadours took to the road with stories and songs, that relayed news like this one of the oil spill:

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has captured world attention.  News stories from every type of media are produced daily, through blogs.  People have painted pictures, written poetry, and interacted with friends and strangers across the globe. 

But poignantly, and importantly, is the music that transcends words at times, to put the facts together with feelings in ways that can immortalize and tell the story in ways we will remember. 

This poignant piece can help people reach out and hold each other, when there is no one else to do it and to relay the history of one of man's greatest environmental disasters so that folks remember it for years to come, as the news of the day.

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