Friday, August 1, 2014

Qigong and Tai Chi exceptional for health benefits while offering cultural insights

Tai Chi exercises
In Hawaii where there are many people of Asian background, there are many classes that focus on Quigong and Tai Chai for their health benefits.  But are these activities truly the type that will aid health or are they simply a reflection of a cultural activity?

Qigong and Tai Chi have both been found to have significant physical and mental health advantages for quality of life, the heart and the immune system.

“We see this as moving the understanding of the potential of Qigong and Tai Chi forward, with an emphasis on combining the evidence across these practices,” said co-author Linda Larkey, Ph.D., of Arizona State University College of Nursing and Healthcare Innovation.

The review appeared in the July/August 2010 issue of the American Journal of Health Promotion and looked at a variety of trials involving 6,410 participants.

The authors of the study declare their review provides a “stronger evidence base” for bone health, cardio-respiratory fitness, physical function, balance, quality of life, fall prevention and psychological benefits.

Qigong is a “very general term to describe exercises that will enhance qi flow or balance,” said Shin Lin, Ph.D., a professor at the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of California, Irvine. Qigong combines “qi” for energy and “gong” for work or exercise.

Lin, a member of the National Advisory Council for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, explained how Tai Chi is much more specific, focusing on a series of 24 to 108 movements that have a long written history over 19 generations.

Says Lin about this research,  “The research studies reviewed here showed that simplified routines that are more practical for RCTs are in fact quite effective in health enhancement.” With that in mind, individuals could “forego learning complicated routines except for cultural or artistic purposes,” said Lin.

The cultural aspects may be found unique and supports learning the ways different people approach working with their bodies and minds to enhance their sense of well being.

While Westerners are now finding their way to meditation and yoga, these too come from a variety of cultural influences.  Some teachers of Qigong see it their mission to elevate the consciousness of mankind and bring peace and harmony to the world.

Cultural understanding from learning the background and history of Qigong and Tai Chi might be seen in the context of other ways of learning about others in the world, as educators maintain it is a benefit for everyone to learn about the ways of the world.

And while folks learn about culture, they are able to gain health benefits as well.

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